18 February, 2022
Fresh Black Grape Icecream

Delicious fresh black grape icecream made with fresh black grapes with no additives. Everyone loves Icecream so does my husband and children . Fresh fruit icecream is our favourite. Fresh fruit gives a refreshing taste to the icecream.
I have used black grapes to make these fresh black grape icecream .
Icecream recipes in my blog which you can go thru
Mango Icecream
Paan icecream
How To Make This Fresh Black Grape Icecream
Here in this recipe, I have shown 2 ways to make this icecream . Both ways icecream taste delicious.
In the first recipe, just 3 ingredients are required milk, sugar and fresh grapes juice but this recipe is a little time consuming as milk is boiled till thick and then blended but it tastes just amazing.
The second recipe uses milk, milk powder, cream and black grape juice, everything is just blended it takes just 15 minutes . This also tastes delicious.
First Method
Tips to make icecream
- While buying black grapes for icecream select sour and sweet variety.
- Always make fresh grape juice and blend immediately in the cold milk. Do not let the grape juice ferment or else the milk will curdle.
- Always use whole milk to make ice cream.
- Always use a thick heavy bottom broad pan or vessel to boil the milk.
- Boil milk on a slow flame.
- Keep stirring at regular intervals to make sure the milk does not burn at the bottom.
- It is important to note that during the initial stages of boiling milk, frequent stirring is important. But as it starts thickening it is important you stir continuously as the thickening milk tends to stick to the bottom and burns giving a very unpleasant taste.
- Keep the milk simmering and stirring till the milk thickens, the milk is reduced to more than half. Though it takes time and effort it is worth it.
- Remember the milk for the icecream should be little sweeter than the normal as it sets the sweetness decreases .
- The flavor of the slow-cooked milk is far more superior than any instant way.
- It is important to partially set and whisk the ice cream mixture twice before finally setting, as it helps to prevent the formation of crystals.
- Always cover the ice cream containers before the final set.
- U can also use aluminum, steel, or plastic containers to set ice cream.
- Better still to use containers with lids.
Preparation Time:10 min
Cooking Time:60 min
Total Time :1 hr
- 1 Litre Whole Fat Milk
- Black Grapes 700 gm
- Sugar 4 Tbsp

Boil milk in a thick heavy bottom pan allow it to simmer on low flame till it reduces to half. Keep stirring at regular intervals to make sure the milk does not burn at the bottom. Add sugar keep simmering and stir till reduce to one third.

While buying black grapes for icecream select sour and sweet variety. Soak the black grapes in water for 10 minutes and wash thoroughly and drain of excess water.

Remove grapes from the stem.

Blend in the juicer or blender to extract the juice.

If you are using a blender then strain the juice to remove skin pulp.Always make fresh grape juice and blend immediately in the cold milk. Do not let the grape juice ferment or else the milk will curdle.Keep the milk ready than make the juice.

Cool the milk and blend well with a hand blender.

Now add juice 1 ½ to 2 cups of juice to the milk. (add juice till it gives your desired colour)

Mix and taste the milk if needed add sugar ,remember the milk for the icecream should be little sweeter than the normal as it sets the sweetness decreases . Whisk well.

Transfer the milk mix to ice cream container cover with lid keep in deep freezer for 2 – 3 hrs.

Cover and keep to set in the freezer. Depending on your freezer it may take 8 to 10 hours.

After 2 – 3 hrs remove from freezer and whisk with a fork or whisk.

Scoop out the icecream and serve it chilled.
Second Method
Preparation Time: 15 min
- 1 Cup Fresh Black Grape Juice
- 2 Cup Whole Milk
- 1 Cup Amul Cream
- 1 Cup Amul Milk Powder
- ¼ Cup Powdered Sugar ( may require 1 -2 tbsp more depending on grapes)
- While buying black grapes for icecream select sour and sweet variety.
- Mix milk, sugar, milk powder and grape juice.

- With a hand blender whisk for 5 -7 minutes till all ingredients have blended well.
- Add cream and whisk for 1 minute.
- Taste the mixture and adjust the sugar.
- Do remember the milk for the icecream should be sweeter as it sets the sweetness decreases .
- If you have added sugar mix properly.

- Pour in icecream box cover with lid set in freezer for 2 to 3 hours, remove the mixture from the freezer and whisk. Keep to set in the freezer.

- Once again after 2 hours remove the icecream mixture whisk and keep to set.

- After icecream has been set scoop out and serve.