HomeAccompaniments Flavoured Paneer

Flavoured Paneer

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Flavoured Paneer where paneer is infused with fresh herbs dry herbs and spices to give a beautiful flavour and colour. It can be customised according to one’s taste and liking

Flavoured Paneer can be used in

This flavoured paneer can be used in starters, curries, parathas, samosas etc. It can be fried to give it a golden crust.

How to curdle milk.

  • Lemon juice is mainly preferred to curdle milk.
  • Vinegar, citric acid, yoghurt or whey from a previous batch of paneer to curdle the milk can be used.

What Herbs and Spices can be added in Flavoured Paneer

  • I have used oregano, garlic, fresh herbs and green chilli.
  • This recipe can be easily customised according to one’s liking.
  • Any flavours can be infused into the paneer like oregano, thyme, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, chilli flakes, fresh coriander, mint leaves, dry herbs, green chillies, spring onions, green fresh basil, fresh oregano sliced olive, chopped sundried tomatoes.

What kind of milk to use for making Paneer

  • Full-fat buffalo milk produces good quality paneer.
  • Cow milk can also be used just the quantity will be less than the fat milk.
  • To get creamier paneer you can add cream.

How to make soft paneer

  • Milk with fat content yields soft paneer.
  • Dilute the curdling agent and add it to the milk.
  • Do not add the complete curdling agent in one go, add little by little at a time stirring till the milk curdles.
  • Do not press the paneer too hard, a small amount of moisture left will help in keeping the paneer soft.

Storing the Paneer

  • Wrap and store in the freezer for around three months.
  • Defrost at room temperature and use it within three days.

Please refer to the detailed article in my blog How to make paneer

Flavoured Paneer

  • Preparation Time:20 min
  • Cooking Time:20 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Makes: +- 200gm (depending on milk quality)


  • 1 Litre Whole Milk with fat
  • 1 – 1.5 Tbsp Lemon juice or Vinegar
  • 3 tbsp of fresh herbs finely chopped
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 4 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 green chilli finely chopped


Heat milk in a heavy-bottom pan on medium heat.

Let the milk come to boil, once the milk has come to boil turn off the heat. Now add in herbs, oregano, garlic and green chilli.

Flavoured Paneer

Start by adding 1 tsp of the curdling agent, add 1 tsp more only if the milk does not curdle, and add the remaining 1 tsp only if the milk does not curdle. At one point the milk will curdle, whey separates, stop adding the curdling agent wait for 5 minutes so the milk curdles completely.

Flavoured Paneer

Drain the curdled milk in a muslin cloth.

Squeeze out the extra water from the muslin cloth.

Place the wrapped soft cottage cheese in muslin cloth on a flat surface. Place a heavy object on top of it to sit for 2 hours.

Flavoured paneer

Once set remove the paneer from the muslin cloth and use as needed.


2 thoughts

  • Moiz poonawala
    September 10, 2022 at 4:15 pm


  • Farida murtaza umrethwala
    September 10, 2022 at 9:38 am


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