HomeAccompaniments What is Paneer? How is it made?

What is Paneer? How is it made?

Comments : 1 Posted in : Accompaniments, Miscellaneous on by : Fizza

What is Paneer ? How is it made? It is a fresh cottage cheese most common in Indian cuisine and is a rich source of protein, especially for vegetarians who do not eat non-veg.It is an unsalted non-melting soft cheese and is made by curdling milk.

You can either curdle the milk with lemon juice or vinegar, alternately yogurt can also be use.

The curdle milk it is collected in muslin cloth , than set till it is firm.

And that’s it , that’s how easy to make this cottage cheese. It is added in many dishes in both sweet and savoury. In my blog, I have used this non-melting soft cheese in many recipes.
Baked Rasgulla
Palak Paneer
Cheesy Baked Paneer

Why to make Paneer at home ?

Many people say why to make this cottage cheese at home when it is easily available in stores.

Though it is easily available in India not in Europe USA and other foreign countries, where it is only available in Indian stores.

So it is easy to make it at home.

Paneer made at home

Is free from preservatives.

One can make organic paneer with organic milk.

Home made is always better and you are sure of the quality.

How to make paneer?

Two ingredients are required to make this soft fresh cottage cheese.

Whole milk

Curdling agent preferably lemon juice and vinegar. Yogurt can also be used.

Lemon juice or yogurt gives a soft paneer while vinegar gives a firm block .

Paneer used for sweets like rosgullas and desserts should be soft ,hence to make paneer for desserts use lemon juice for a soft paneeer.

Paneer for savoury dishes should be firm , therefore add vinegar for a more firm paneer.

The basic process is very simple.

Boil milk .

Add curdling agent until milk begins to seperate.

Use muslin cloth to drain the water and collect the the soft fresh cottage cheese.

Applying pressure with a heavy objects like a mortar pestle or vessel filled with water or jar filled with pulses help it to set perfectly.

Tip :If you want creamier or more rich paneer add 1/4 th cup cream to 1 liter milk while boiling.

How to Use Whey -Leftover Paneer Water

The liquid or whey left after making this soft cottage cheese is rich in protein and some other essential nutrients essential for the body therefore it is not advisable to throw it.

Use the whey or liquid in the following ways

  • In making dough. Chapati made in dough water comes out soft.
  • Use whey in making curries and stews.
  • Soak lentils beans chickpeas in liquid
  • Use to boil pasta or when cooking rice.
  • Replace water with whey
  • This liquid can be stored in the fridge for 3 – 4 days.


Cooking Time: 15 Min
Resting Time: 90 Min – 120 Min
Total Time: 15 Min
Makes: +- 200gm


1 litre Whole Milk
1 – 1.5 Tbsp Lemon Juice or Vinegar

  • Heat milk in a heavy-bottom pan on medium heat.
  • Let the milk come to boil, once the milk has come to boil turn off the heat.
  • Start by adding 1 tsp of a curdling agent, add 1 tsp more only if the milk does not curdle, add the remaining 1 tsp only if the milk does not curdle.
  • At one point the milk will curdle, whey separates, stop adding the curdling agent wait for 5 minutes so the milk curdles completely.
  • Drain the curdled milk in a muslin cloth.
  • Rinse the paneer in cold water so it does not have any taste of lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Squeeze out the extra water from the muslin cloth.
  • Place the wrapped soft cottage cheese in muslin cloth on a flat surface.
  • Place a heavy object on top of it to sit for 2 hours.
  • Once set remove the paneer from the muslin cloth and use as needed.


One thought on : 1

  • Fizza
    April 13, 2021 at 2:13 pm


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