HomeHealth Sugar – A – Big – Killer

Sugar – A – Big – Killer

Comments : 1 Posted in : Health on by : Amatulla Merchant

An Article by renowned Clinical Nutritionist and Dietician
Mrs. Amatulla Merchant

We all know that sugars give us empty calories, which means it adds a whole lot of calories to the diet but no nutrition. Sugar claims 3.5 million lives worldwide. Researches have shown that high levels of sugar in the blood-even in people without diabetes can ravage your heart and liver and upset the hormonal system, raise levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and increase the chance of cancer.

Poisonous and harmful chemicals are added during the processing and refining of raw cane sugar into white table sugar. Chemicals like sulfur dioxide (bleaching agent), phosphoric acid (clarifying agent ) calcium hydroxide, polyacrylamides,

etc. can cause adverse health effects.

Know The Hidden Sugars

Most processed foods like breakfast cereals, bread, sauces, ketchup, packed fruit juices, beer, cookies, candies, mayonnaise, salad dressings, soft drinks have a lot of added sugars. Sugar is added to food in many forms: white, brown, high fructose syrup, agave nectar, etc. A 300 ml bottle of soft drinks usually has eight teaspoons fulls of sugar. while a single scoop of ice cream has five.

SUGAR ADDICTION: A big public health crisis.

Whenever we see sugar, the brain gets a rush of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. When we consume sugar, our natural opioids, and beta-endorphins rush to the brain, a reaction similar to someone on nicotine, cocaine, or heroin. since sugar induces the same addictive pathway as narcotics why should this not be taken seriously?

If we can not do without sugar, reducing the amounts slowly is better than using artificial sweeteners like aspartame. It can give you migraines, eye problems, nausea, and vomiting, insomnia, stomach problems, joint ache, depression, and even brain cancer.


Replace refined sugar with fresh cane juice, cane sugar, maple syrup, date palm juice, jaggery, and honey.

Fresh cane juice has vitamin B and C, iron, and manganese.

Coconut sugar (dehydrated sap of coconut palm ) has antioxidants, calcium, zinc, iron, and potassium.

Jaggery is unrefined, concentrated cane sugar. It contains trace amounts of micronutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. It is known to boost one’s digestion. It is great for curing constipation and is a detox too.

If a desert is a must, have dates- rich in potassium, calcium, and vitamin B6.

Raisins, black currents, and other dry and fresh fruits can be used to sweeten yogurts and curds and also puddings.

Add honey to green tea and maple syrup to tea and coffee, they also have antioxidants.

Amatullah Merchant
Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian
Email: amatullamerchant@gmail.com


One thought on : 1

  • asma
    September 4, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    hi nice artical.good informative.keep up.waitting for more …information on healthy food.

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