HomeDesserts & Sweets Simple Healthy No-Bake Homemade Date Bars

Simple Healthy No-Bake Homemade Date Bars

Posted in : Desserts & Sweets on by : Fizza Tags: , , , ,

Simple no-bake healthy homemade date bars. These healthy date bars and nut bars are made of simple all-natural ingredients. In these simple no-bake homemade date bars, dates are used which is a perfect base and also a natural sweetener.
I have used only walnuts and almonds in these homemade bars, but you can add any variety of nuts of your choice.
At times we just need a snack that gives us energy. These healthy bars are made with simple flavours, wholesome ingredients.
These healthy bars go well with vanilla ice cream.
Another healthy recipe in my blog Tri-Flavoured Whole Wheat Bread

Preparation Time:10 min
Cooking Time:10 min
Total Time: 20 min



1. Deseed the dates.
2. Blend in the blender to make into a pulp.
3. Roast the nuts and lightly crush them.
4. In these healthy bars or date bars you can use any nuts of your choice.
5. In a pan add ghee and date pulp and cook on a low flame stirring continuously.


6. Cook till a lump is formed

7. Add crushed nuts, mix properly.

8. Cook for 2 minutes. Keep stirring.
9. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
10. Grease the paper.
11. Pour the healthy bars or date bars mixture into the tray.
12. Spread uniformly.

13. Press with a flat steel bowl or plate until uniformly flattened.
14. Pressing helps to pack the bars which help them to hold together better.
15. Let it cool.
16. Then cut healthy bars mix into bars or squares.
17. Though I have added walnuts and almonds you can add any other dry nuts even oats.
18. These healthy bars or date bars or nut bars are a good substitute for brownies.
19. Healthy bars taste great with vanilla ice cream.

Link to items used
Dates Kimia 1 kg
Dates (Kimia ) 550gm
Walnuts 400gm
Almonds 500gm

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