HomeDesserts & Sweets Easy Mango Icecream Recipe

Easy Mango Icecream Recipe

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Creating homemade mango ice cream is a delightful endeavor, offering numerous approaches. Allow me to unveil a straightforward method that yields irresistibly soft and fluffy mango ice cream using just a handful of ingredients.

As the summer sun ushers in an abundance of mangoes, one is spoiled for choice amidst the myriad varieties available in the market. While my personal inclination leans towards the luscious Alphonso mango, feel free to select your preferred cultivar to embark on this culinary journey.

Furthermore, the versatility of mango extends beyond ice cream; consider exploring mango-infused desserts. Should you wish to delve deeper into this realm, I invite you to peruse my blog, where I’ve divulged the intricacies of crafting a delectable Mango Soufflé.

Tips to make icecream

  • Always use whole milk to make ice cream.
  • It is important to partially set and whisk the ice cream mixture twice before finally setting, as it helps to prevent the formation of crystals.
  • Always cover the ice cream containers before the final set.
  • U can also use aluminum, steel, or plastic containers to set ice cream.
  • Better still to use containers with lids.
containers for icecream setting
  • Remove the ice cream 5 to 10 minutes before serving, as it becomes a little soft and is easy to serve and eat also.

    You’re welcome to explore the variety of ice cream recipes featured on my blog.
    Paan Icecream
    Fresh Black Grape Icecream

Preparation Time:20 min
Setting Time:12 to14 hrs
Serves:5 to 6


  • Whole Milk 2 cups
  • Mango pulp made from fresh mangoes 1 cup( Peel the mangoes cut into small pieces blend in the mixture to make pulp)
  • Amul milk powder 1 cup
  • Amul fresh cream 1 cup
  • Sugar 1/4 cup (you may require 2 to 3 tbsp more depending on the sweetness of mango)


  • In a big bowl or container add milk, milk powder, sugar, and mango pulp. Milk should be at room temperature. It should not be hot.
Add ingredients in a bowl
  • Mix with a spatula.
  • With a hand blender whisk for 7 to 10 minutes till all the ingredients are incorporated properly.
Beat with a hand blender
  • Add fresh cream and whisk for a minute only. Remember after adding cream just whisk for a minute or the cream will turn into butter.
  • Taste the mixture and adjust the sugar. If u have to add sugar see to it that the sugar melts and mixes properly. Mix with a spatula only.
  • Keep this mixture in the freezer for 2 to 3 hrs. After 2 to 3 hrs remove the mixture from the freezer and whisk again for a minute. If the mixture has set leave it out for few minutes till it becomes soft then whisk.
  • Repeat this procedure once again.
Icecream mix in icecream box
  • After the second whisking transfer to a freezer-safe container. Cover and freeze till set. It may take 8 – 10 hrs depending on your freezer.
  • Cut into pieces or scoop out and serve.

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