HomeHealth Lifestyle modifications for better management of gastritis, Peptic ulcers, and heartburn.

Lifestyle modifications for better management of gastritis, Peptic ulcers, and heartburn.

Comments : 9 Posted in : Health on by : Amatulla Merchant

Gastritis is the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. Peptic Ulcer refers to an ulcer that occurs due to the breakdown of the normal defense and repair mechanism.

Why does it happen?

The normal defense and repair mechanism of the body consist of secretion of mucus, the production of bicarbonates, the removal of excess acids by normal blood flow, and the rapid renewal and repair of the injured epithelial cells. These mechanisms protect the normal gastric and duodenal mucosa from the digestive action of acid and pepsin. Gastritis and peptic ulcer results due to the breakdown of these normal defense and repair mechanisms.


The primary cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers are H pylori infections. Other reasons are chronic use of aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Steroids, alcohol, erosive substances, tobacco, severe illness, stress, or any combination of these factors could be the other causes.


It may manifest by several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress, heartburn, anorexia, and malaise. Prolonged gastritis may result in atrophy and loss of stomach parietal cells with loss of secretion of HCL and intrinsic factors, resulting in pernicious anemia.


Antibiotics are given to eradicate the pathogenic organisms (Eg: H pylori). Antacids are prescribed to review the gastric secretion of HCL.

Chronic use of acid-suppressing medication (antacids) may have side effects. It reduces the gastric secretion of HCL. This may result in reduced absorption of nutrients such as B12, calcium, and non-heme iron. Also, read Acid suppression may increase the incidents of some bone fractures. It may also increase the risk of intestinal infections, as gastric acidity is a frontline barrier to microbial invasion.

Lifestyle modifications for better management:

Several lifestyle modifications can help you manage the symptoms of gastritis and reduce the use of antacids. Changing what, when, and how could help you avoid medication for acid reflux or heartburn.

Avoid foods that are mechanical irritants like whole grain, raw vegetables, and some raw fruits. Foods that are served too cold or too hot may also cause pain.
Chemical irritants like meat soups, caffeine (strong tea, coffee, chocolates), alcohol, garam masala, ginger, chili, and pepper should be avoided. Chilies have capsaicin that causes shedding of the surface stomach cells and may cause peptic distress.
High-fat foods take time to digest and aggravate stomach acidity, so be avoided.
A high protein food may evoke gastric secretion.
Depending on individuals’ distress, one should avoid strong-flavored foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, onions, and turnip.
Avoid alcohol as it increases the production of stomach acid.
Don’t smoke! Smoking stimulates the production of stomach acid.

One should avoid eating just before bed-time, exercise, or a stressful task.
Six small meals are better than three large meals.
Moderate amounts of healthy fats help to suppress gastric secretion and motility through the enterogastrone mechanism so consume them in moderation. Also, read.
Cream, butter, olive oil, and omega3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and also protect the gastric mucosa.
Foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C are also beneficial.
A person with gastric ulcer disease should avoid foods that exacerbate their symptoms and consume a nutritionally complete diet with adequate dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables.


9 thoughts

  • Rashida.k
    January 15, 2021 at 7:58 pm

    Really useful and informative in daily life..

  • Asma qayyumi
    January 15, 2021 at 6:56 pm

    Moderation in food test and in other walk of life is the key to manage good health

  • Fatema Rangoonwala
    January 15, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    Very informative…thanx…

  • Sonali Singh
    January 15, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    Well explained…
    Useful information

  • Tasneem Merchant
    January 15, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Very informative 👍

  • Tasneem Bhaimomin
    January 15, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    Good info

  • Farida Murtaza Umrethwala
    January 15, 2021 at 2:12 pm

    Very useful information I want some remedy for intestinal worms

    • Amatulla Merchant
      January 15, 2021 at 7:05 pm

      thank u for reading .hope it will benefit u and your family. chewing a few leaves of neem on an empty stomach will help, having turmeric in any form and chewing on ajwain will surely help in getting rid of intestinal worms. Also take care of the contamination in drinking water and avoid outside food.

      • Mustafa
        January 15, 2021 at 10:12 pm

        Very good information
        One should follow

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