HomeAccompaniments How To Make Crispy Fried Noodles At Home

How To Make Crispy Fried Noodles At Home

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You can make crispy fried noodles at home and can use them as a crunchy topping in soup or Chinese stir-fried chicken or vegetable. It is a key ingredient in American Chopsuey. You can also use them in Chinese salad or as a base ingredient instead of noodles.

Here I have shown a simple method to make crispy fried noodles at home. There is a certain method you need to follow so that each noodle is separate and to perfection crunchy.


Just choose your favourite egg or regular hakka noodles. Avoid a thick variety of noodles .

Boil noodles

Boil noodles in salted water with a teaspoon of oil till they are just al dente.
Al dente means that the noodles should be cooked such that they are still firm when bitten into. Just follow this rule for fried noodles minus 30 seconds from the cooking time mentioned on the packet. If the packet says boil for 3 minutes in boiling water, then just boil for 2.5 minutes, this way you will avoid overcooking, remember they will cook again in frying.

Strain the noodles

Once the noodles are cooked immediately drain them in a colander and wash them with cold water. This is important because the longer you leave them in the cooking water, they will continue to cook. Washing in cold water removes any extra salts and starch and prevents them from sticking together.

Spread the noodles

Once the noodles are drained completely, spread them out on a big plate or baking sheet or parchment paper and leave them to dry for 30 minutes. This helps to get rid of any moisture and helps to fry evenly and it won’t splatter while frying.

Dust the noodles with cornflour

Once the noodles are dry, dust and toss them with cornflour.The cornflour takes away extra moisture and prevents it from sticking together.It also makes the noodles extra crispy.


Choose the best oil with a high smoke point. Heat oil in a wide pan till the oil starts shimmering. Insert the stem of a wooden ladle into the oil. The oil will start shimmering around the edges of the ladle, this is when the oil is ready. Keep the flame on medium heat (if it’s too slow noodles will soak up the oil and if it’s too high they will fry from outside without cooking from inside) and slowly add the noodles to the oil. Don’t overcrowd, spread evenly. Fry for 2 – 3 minutes till they are golden brown from outside. Do not fry the noodles for more than 3 minutes otherwise, they may not turn crispy after frying. Take them out on tissue paper to get rid of any extra oil.

Let them cool completely before storing them in an air-tight container or use them immediately. These crispy noodles can be stored in an airtight container for 10 – 12 days.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Serves : 6


  • 1 packet hakka noodles 150 gm
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 tablespoon cornflour
  • 1 1/2 cup oil

  • Boil the noodles with salt and a teaspoon of oil till al dente. Boil the noodles for 30 seconds less than the package instructions.
  • Immediately drain them in a colander and wash them thoroughly with cold water.
  • Once they are completely drained spread them out in an even layer on a plate or baking paper and leave to dry for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes sprinkle cornflour and toss them well.
  • Heat oil in a broad pan, drop a piece of noodle in the oil to check if it is hot, if there is no movement in the oil when you drop the noodle, it is not hot for frying.
  • Keep on medium flame and add a handful of noodles to the oil, spread them out. Deep fry for 2 – 3 minutes till they are golden brown. Fry in small batches.
  • Drain them on some tissue paper and let them cool completely before using. It can be stored in an airtight container for 10 -12 days.


One thought on : 1

  • Rashmi Tanna
    January 1, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    Recipe explained in a very simple and nice way 👍

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