HomeMain Course Healthy Twist To The Traditional Recipe Of Palak Paneer

Healthy Twist To The Traditional Recipe Of Palak Paneer

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Palak Paneer is one of the most popular Indian dishes which is made with cottage cheese paneer and spinach that is palak.

Here I have given a little twist to the traditional palak paneer recipe, using the same ingredients I have made palak paneer in a slightly different way. This is a quick delicious easy healthy recipe where spinach puree is layered with paneer grated cheese and tomato slices and finally baked.

This delicious palak paneer recipe is passed down from my dearest mother to me.

What is Palak Paneer?

  • Palak is spinach
  • Paneer is cottage cheese
  • Here paneer is served with delicious creamy green mildly spiced spinach gravy .


  • Most importantly, always use fresh tender spinach leaves.
  • Firstly remove the stems from  the leaves if they are dense and stringy.
  • However you can add tender stem.
  • Always blanch the spinach before using.
  • Blanching helps to get rid of harmful microorganisms and chemicals ,it also helps to preserve green colour.
  • Moreover it reduces the oxalic acid concentration , which makes it taste better .
  • Store left over blanch spinach in freezer in air tight container or zip lock bag Or freeze into cubes and then store in ziplock bag.
  • To give palak gravy a smooth texture I have used 2 – 3 tbsp of cream . However you can use cashewnuts or blanched almonds.

Blanching  The Spinach

Palak Paneer
Clean and trim the spinach leaves. Soak the palak leaves in water for 5 to 10 minutes  . It will remove all the mud and dirt sticking to the palak leaves. Then remove the leaves from the water in a colander or strainer,and rinse the palak leaves very well under running water.
Palak Paneer
Boil 3 cups of water in a pan ,add 1/8  tsp of salt and stir.Then off the flame add palak leaves to the hot water and let it sit for 1 minute. The leaves will soften.
Palak Paneer
Then keep a bowl of iced water ready. Plunge them into ice water. As a result the cooking process will stop. Allow the spinach leaves to stay in cold water for a minute .Drain the spinach from ice cold water and press the spinach to remove any excess water. This blanched spinach is ready to use.

Preparation Time:15minutes
Baking Time:20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes



  • Palak 300 gm
  • Paneer 150 gm
  • Cheese 100 gm
  • Tomatoes 2 medium size, thinly sliced
  • Green Chillies 2 to 3
  • Garlic 8 cloves
  • Cream 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper ¼ tsp


1 . Grate paneer and cheese cubes set aside.

2 . Blanch the spinach leaves.

Palak Paneer

3 . To a blender, add the blanched spinach along with garlic, green chillies and salt. And puree to a smooth paste. Then add cream and blend well.

Palak Paneer

4 . Take a baking dish and pour the spinach puree into the dish.

Palak Paneer

5 . Top it with grated paneer over the palak puree. Then sprinkle grated cheese over it.

Palak Paneer

6 . Lastly spread thinly sliced tomatoes over it.

Palak Paneer
7 . Bake in a pre heated oven for 20 minutes at 200 degree , till the tomatoes are baked. Finally serve with hot kulchas or steamed rice.


One thought on : 1

  • Farida Murtaza Umrethwala
    October 19, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    Wow so tasty

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