HomeHealth EDIBLE OILS- know it all

EDIBLE OILS- know it all

Comments : 6 Posted in : Health on by : Amatulla Merchant

Health is a serious concern. With different edible oils available it is difficult to know it . We all are so health-conscious that we can’t afford to consume anything which does not hold healthful elements in it. The same is the case with edible oils. With endless choices on the store shelves, it is hard to know which oil to choose.

Fats and oils consist of fatty acids. Fatty acids may be saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Interestingly, each one has its benefits for our body.

Saturated fatty acids come chiefly from animals such as sheep and cattle and milk and dairy products of these animals. Plant oils like coconut oils are also rich in saturated fatty acids. Oils and fats rich in saturated fatty acids are more resistant to oxidation and more stable to heat. Our diet should have saturated fatty acids in moderation as they increase blood cholesterol.

MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) are present in olive oil, canola, almond oil, and groundnut oil. They lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) without lowering HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and do not raise triglyceride levels. MUFAs are anti-inflammatory. They are more heat stable compared to PUFAs and are conducive to maintain cell function.

PUFAs(polyunsaturated fatty acids ) include both omega6 and omega3 fatty acids, each having its benefits. The optimal omega 6: omega3 ratios have estimated to be 2:1 to 3:1. It is four times lower than the current intake, so people should consume more omega3 fatty acids from vegetables and marine sources. Omega 3 fatty acids are present in flaxseed oil (57%), canola oils (10% ), and soya bean oil (14%). Consumption of 100-200gm of fish two to three times helps in preventing heart diseases, due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in it.  The anti-inflammatory property of Ω3 fatty acids present in olive oil, flax seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and fatty cold-water oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring has shown benefits in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Plant oils are a source of essential fatty acids (fatty acids that are necessary for health and need to be provided in the diet). They also provide essential nutrients such as vitamin E to help build and maintain cells in the body. They also include some useful substances such as lignans, sterols, tocopherols, oryzanol, and carotenoids. These are helpful to decrease cholesterol levels in the body.

It is, however, important to get the right balance of saturated, to unsaturated fatty acids and also the right balance between the unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs and PUFAs). 

The table below gives the percent of saturated fatty acids, MUFAs, and PUFAs (omega -3 and omega -6) content in commonly used oils.

SFAsMUFAsOmega 6 (LA)Omega3(ALA)
High (medium chain) SFAs
Palm kernel83152
High MUFAs & moderate Omega 6 (LA)
Olive Oil1571101
Rice bran1743381
Omega 6 (High LA)
Omega 6 and Omega 3 (LA and ALA)
High TFAs(trans fatty acids)

Note : Plants oil do not have cholestrol but can increase the cholestrol levels if we overlook the amount of oil consumed. Stress , alcohol , high carbohydrate diet , physical inactivity and unhealthy weight also contribute to higher blood cholestrol levels.

Various studies and reports have suggested that edible oils should be combined in different combinations to maintain a healthy ratio of fatty acids. since no oil alone can suffice the need for all nutrients in the anatomy, it is recommended to blend two or more oils, submerging the good fats from both in one.

Some ideal combinations:-

Groundnut: mustard oil (3:1) or Groundnut: canola (2:1)or

Groundnut: flaxseed (3:1) or olive oil : groundnut: soybean (2:1:1)

or Sesame: canola (2:1) or Sesame: soybean (3:1) or

Sesame: soybean + flax seeds (1:1)

Blends of oils can also be accomplished by using different oils for different preparations of the day.

Points to keep in mind while blending oils.

  1. Know the smoke points of each oil you plan to combine to. Make sure that it does not lower the smoke point so much that you cant use it for your cooking method. Also read
  2. Check the flavors, make sure they are compatible with one another. For instance, sesame oil has a nutty flavor. Grapeseed has a slight floral after taste. Safflower oil and soybean oil almost completely lack flavor and can be combined with any other ………. oil.
  3. Mix them thoroughly and shake before use.

Refined v\s Unrefined Oils

Refined oils

Chemical methods are used to extract them and are exposed to intensive heating during the procedure of extraction. They do not have persistent flavors, are less prone to oxidation, and have higher smoke points. Also read

Unrefined oils

They do not involve chemical methods in the process of extraction and have minimal exposure to heat. They use mechanical extraction (pressure) for extracting oil from seeds and nuts. It does not change the color and scent of the oils. They are rich in phytonutrients. The only disadvantage is that they are prone to oxidation and have lower smoke points. One should take care while storing them and also control the temperature during cooking.

While the quantity of oil used is of paramount importance, the amounts of oil consumed is equally significant and we should not overlook it. One should limit the intake of fats and oils to 4 tsp per day. 

Amatulla Merchant

clinical nutritionist and dietitian



6 thoughts

  • Zen
    November 1, 2020 at 7:30 pm

    Great article.. laymen can also understand and benefit

    October 17, 2020 at 8:17 am

    Great & Super information sir. Very right article for better understanding and chose right combination of usage of blended oils.

  • October 17, 2020 at 12:18 am

    Informative and very well elaborated. Information presented in a very good manner.

  • Mushtaque Merchant
    October 16, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    very good information..

  • Mustafa Merchant
    October 16, 2020 at 4:52 pm

    Good scientific information to help people choose and limit oil consumption in diet.

  • Asma qayyumi
    October 16, 2020 at 2:52 pm

    Good information,
    We should limit consumption app 4 _5 tsp
    Per day,
    And it is more important

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