HomeMiscellaneous Chocolate Coated Dates

Chocolate Coated Dates

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These chocolate-coated dates are easy to make and tastes delicious. These chocolate-coated dates are perfect to serve at Idd or some party or to gift someone.

Preparation Time: 20 min
Cooking time: 5 minutes

How to make these chocolate dates?


Dates 15
 ¼ cup Chocolate Ganache
Dark Chocolate 200gm
1 tbsp Roasted chopped nuts like almonds pistachio walnuts .



Select a soft and good variety of dates .

slit the dates and remove the seed

Remove the seeds by sliting them in the centre.

Pipe ganache

Take Ganache (for ganache recipe click on the link) of a piping consistency.

Fill the ganache in a piping cone. Pipe ganache into the dates .

Fill the nuts

Then fill with chopped nuts.

Tightly close the dates

Tightly close the dates.

Insert the sticks
Insert a wooden stick into it . Place in fridge for 15 to 20 minutes for the ganache to harden so that the stick sets in and does not come out.
Melt the chocolate

Melt the dark chocolate. Let it cool.

Dip the dates  in the meltedchocolate

Once the date stick are set take and dip them in the melted chocolate. Roll them in chocolate so that the chocolate is properly coated.

Tap off the excess chocolate

Gently tap excess chocolate off.

Place them in a stand to dry

Then place the dates in the stand and let it set completely. Put them in the fridge to set.

Decorate with white chocolate.
Keep in fridge or freezer.


One thought on : 1

  • Farida murtaza umrethwala
    February 27, 2022 at 6:12 am


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